I wanted to try pinhole photography for years. At last, I gave it a go! For the camera body, I used a cylindrical tin can. I drilled the body and taped the pinhole I’ve made using a beverage can. This is the most straightforward […]
Author: 120
Three Scans with a DIY Contraption
Well the contraption has a name. I call it “Shoebox Scanner Mark VI” . It’s not really a scanner, it’s more of a scanning rig. It doesn’t contain a shoebox either (But the Mark I had one). It’s something that I’ve came up with […]
A Cold Day, Tiny Updates
I learned a few things today. These are little additions to my previous notes. They hardly qualify as discoveries but they will surely nudge me in the right direction and make things a little bit easier in the future. My third darkroom session with […]
A single leaf, clinging to life in the midst of construction craze. Here’s the first print of a shot that I liked. The exposure was much shorter than I used with previous negs developed in Caffenol. My test prints had a much broader range […]
The Camera That Fell From the Sky
I always loved second hand markets and yard sales. When I was little, I used to visit a huge weekly market, marvelling at strange objects and shifty sellers for hours. Time moved on and generations switched places.Now, open air markets are more or less […]
Catching the Light, Missing the Focus
Here’s the first print that I’ve developed in Rodinal, after a long dark room break. I like this photo even if it’s out of focus. It anchors a specific moment beautifully and I can feel the sunshine, just looking at it. Probably that’s the […]
Rodinal Tango Part II // Printing on FB Paper
The results are in! I printed my first photos with home-made Rodinal and the formula works! The initial run helped me to test some basic characteristics and to get in the groove after a long dark room break. I kept some notes while printing […]
Rodinal Tango
Film photography can be awesome. It can also be frustrating. Usually it vacillates between the two states. Old-school dark room dwellers find a way that works and they stick with it. A single developer, a single film type, a single processing scheme. No fuss, […]